Crocus Bonanza

A glorious, warm, sunshine filled day brought out the best in the crocuses.  Choosing one blip from so many was not easy and in the end the added interest of a pollinator won out.  I've added a couple of extras that capture something of the beauty of today.

A morning mostly spent among the flowers gave way to an afternoon of jobs outside.  Amongst other things, a new piece of trellis fitted, part of a project, long in gestation, to create a shady corner for a seat.  The trellis will support a rambling rose and several clematis which will help provide the shade in summer.  

Jacinta cooked a delicious meat free sweet and sour for lunch and we all enjoyed Jamie's soup followed by Jamie's chocolate cake* at tea time so I've not had to prepare any food today :-)  .... so I'd better close now and get that washing up done!

* Best Ever Chocolate Cake - a recipe including a can of stout, espresso coffee and mayonnaise - it certainly lived up to it's name :-)

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