Curiouser & curiouser...

By turningbull

Scala dei Turchi

Up reasonably early this morning, courtesy of some nearby roadworks, and out exploring Agrigento centre. Well, what little of it there is. I mean, it's lovely, but it's not very extensive, and their Mango store wasn't open. So we managed to sweet talk a lift to the Scala dei Turchi from the B&Bs housekeeper for a few euro each.

When we arrived, another electrical storm was battering the south coast. We did bravely make it to the vista, however given the boyfriend's currently injured status and the metal rod of a crutch that involves, we thought it best to take shelter in the nearby bar to see out the lightning. It didn't take too long to pass (about the time it takes to drink a glass of chilled red and eat a panino) and we plodded back along the soaked sand to get another go at it. The weather brightened up enough for us to make it onto the scala itself (a valiant effort made by the boyfriend, using his crutch as a makeshift rock pick) and the colours combined from the blue sky, blue-grey sea and white clay rock face were beautiful.

The kind housekeeper did return as promised, with all our belongings and we went back to Agrigento via the Italian author Pirandello's house. It was then time to head back to the bus station to take the 1600hrs to Catania.

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