Family day out

Two or three times a year - as far as I can ascertain - Hornby castle opens its gates to the public. In all the years I've lived around here, I've always intended to visit but never have. But, yesterday, driving passed with Dan, he noticed it was open, so we decided to visit. 

Now, I think it's easy to be disdainful of people who live in grand houses - I certainly used to be - but one of my first wife's best friends lived in a village where her family owned the (huge) manor house. They saw it as their duty to maintain it from generation to generation, which was bloody expensive. Don't @ me; I get that they could have just sold it or made it into a sanctuary for homeless people. But I am sympathetic to their world view, that's all, whether or not I agree with it 100%.

And I think Hornby Castle opens its doors to raise funds to support the place and, what's more, does it very well. I took some nice photos of the place, actually, but this was the one I loved best: us all gathered around a sundial, discussing how it worked, how accurate it could be, and so forth.

After that, we went to a nearby pub for a Sunday lunch, where I managed to get the kids (and myself) excited about curling, and then we we went to watch 'Black Panther', which was one of the best films I've ever seen. All in all, an excellent day out.

-13.3 kgs
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Reading/despairing of: 'Manchester Stories'

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