Butting goats

A slight less harrowing start to the day, today, with our only firm plan being that we'd go and see the butting goats, which, we have learned, are synonymous with Poznań. 

The goats in question are mechanised and they appear from the clock tower in the old square once a day at midday. After breakfast in the apartment, we arrived in good time, and, happily, it was another beautiful, sunny day. 

I took a photo of the goats, of course, (see extras) but this was my favourite shot, which is of Dan and Abi, and the multi-coloured houses in the square's centre. A fair number of people had come to see the goats, which was rather heart-warming, and there were lots of expressions of delight as the clock struck twelve and the goats emerged.

Head-butting over and done with, we proceeded to what TripAdvisor informed us was "the best café in the world", which did raise expectations a little too far although the food and coffee were excellent. 

We had a protracted mooch in the afternoon - the kids having settled into this by now - before finding a bar, so the girls could go and spend their holiday money, Dan could revise, and the Minx and I could have a drink. 

We planned to finish off the day with a meal at Restauracja Wiejskie Jadło although first we popped 'round to the memorial to the Enigma Code Breakers. This is part of history in which I have a passing interest but I don't I think I've ever heard of the huge contribution made by the Polish team (initially dismissed by the English as "foolish and ignorant" *eye roll*).

When we got to the restaurant, the meal was very good and also different enough to be interesting. I can't remember the last time I had food that was so different to what I normally eat, actually. But the kids ate up, too, and if there was an issue it was around the quantity; we all apologised for not clearing our plates!

No scales
Reading: 'Matter' by Iain M Banks

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