Early Morning
I awoke this morning to the sad news of a body found on the motorway. They are still trying to work out what happened, but for the morning commute it meant a closed route to work. I decided to go across the marsh via lanes rather than sit on the a20 amidst lorries. It took me about 10 minutes longer than normal, but was actually a lovely drive in. When I arrived I entered from Burberry Lane and was greeted with the lovely view of the castle from the top of the hill. I couldn’t actually see the castle because of the thick fog (fabulous evidence of why GL conducted some of the FIDO trials on the estate) but got this photo of the great water, as I drove alongside.
The sun shone for most of the day, but as we are due a cold snap and possible snow, I must remember to put together an ‘in case of snow’ file and a spare pair of knickers in the car, so I can stay over should the snow come down while I am at work!
Keeep me a nice room ready Owlman!
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