A MIMent In Time

By justmim

Fine froggy footwear

Not my first attempt at blipping this photo...forgot about my phone doing weird things when you try to upload a photo that you have taken in portrait.


This was a day I enjoyed a lot :)

Awake fairly early after a good, long sleep. Quiet couple of hours in the flat to read, sort myself out for the day and do some letter writing.

I then walked to Lorraine's flat for a long overdue catch-up with her and a quick "hello" to Jennifer. Great to see them both and good to have a bit of placement chat for release. I had woken up in the morning thinking about intervention plans for one of my patients so a good head-clearing was needed!

From there I walked to the centre for work. Starting with a group staff supervision which was very positive and will hopefully see some changes coming up.

After supervision it was time for youth group to start for which we walked over to the Prestongrange Museum. A place I'm sure my Granda would enjoy! I was glad for it to be mostly outdoors. Walking back to the centre and with the various young people at their various bus stops/lift places we had a final staff natter.

Then a walk back to the flat for a quick bite to eat and feet up.

Finally...Heather :) another long overdue catch-up! Lovely, chilled out evening :)

So...a busy day...a day with lots of walking (just over 8 miles according to Google Maps, much more than I have regularly been doing recently with my 5-minute bed-desk commute!)...a day of seeing lovely people. A day of switching off from placement :)

Much needed!

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