I loved you then, as I love you now
Si rescued me again today, as he always does.
I was cooking a lovely dinner, as I am prone to do, and faltered at the gravy. We were having cooked ham. Normal gravy, which I'm competent at, it not most suitable for that. I was contemplating a Madeira sauce, but having absolutely no idea what that exactly was, I threw some stock, some wine vinegar, some wholegrain mustard, and a good slug of a bottle of something I found.
And it tasted vile; the vinegar was burning my nose, and cleared out my sinuses, so not all was bad.
I retreated to the garden, and hid behind my tortured willow.... and waited.
As ever, he came to the rescue, and this be him, tasting the rectified sauce. Brown sugar, orange juice and some beurre manie and it was like angel sauce. Nom nom.
If I didn't have this guy, I'd be, like, 10 stone lighter.... but I'd be eating really crap food.
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