Hon in Edinburgh

By honined


To be honest, the entire family wanted to take things easy today after the past week's travelling around to fun places for the kids. So while the kids were watching videos I had set up this elaborate off-camera flash solution to photograph the tits visiting our bird feeder. The little blighters must have got a better offer because I listened to an entire installment of "Gardener's Question Time" on Radio 4 and not a dicky-bird.

Meanwhile, my wife had a rehearsal session with her theatre company for this year's Christmas show. I normally only barge in at the final dress rehearsals, but our kids wanted a sneak pre-preview of their mum on the stage. So we paid her a visit after a quick whirl at the park photographing Autumnal leaves. Which would have been a strong candidate for today's blip but for...

...this subject who is one of the fellow cast members. She was sitting on a chair watching the stage, and I wanted to superimpose her over those green curtains. A beautiful smile, but I do wish I had noticed the stray hair over her nose :(

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