Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Family Day

We try once a month to have a family day which is just for us. Today was that day. It started rather early with William telling me around 5.30am his tummy felt funny, but he went back to sleep after I told him to rub it. At 6.30am I was woken by a gurgling sound coming from William! So he was grabbed and hung him over the toilet. A small amount of last nights dinner put in a reappearance and then we headed back to bed, me thinking he would never go back to sleep. Next thing a little voice said " I want get up now." It was 08.40! Unheard of.

So a change of plans as there was no way we could get to church so after breakfast (which William ate) we headed to Church Farm, at Ardley End and slipped and slid across and through the mud to have a short walk around the farm before hitting the cafe for lunch. Jim ahd a full breakfast, Carys and I had pancakes with bacon and maple syrup and W played it safe with scrambled eggs on toast!

Home and all clothes straight into the washing machine then the kids sat down to design a cover for the Christmas Ballet Show Programme. W's initially looked quite like a Christmas Tree but he denied that that was what it was and now I'm not even sure he should hand it in. C's is much more artistic and has a fairy and wand and a Christmas Tree as well as the words The Magic Christmas and The Hitchin School of Russian Ballet. The writing would win a prize in my opinion, the drawing however...

Tea was lovely, curried chicken pie, until after two mouthfuls W let loose and bought back both breakfast and lunch and made Daddy wretch too. I think it was Daddy who felt worst afterwards as W bounced back so well you would never have known he had been sick. However as a precaution all plans for tomorrow have been cancelled. I will not be blamed for half of Hitchin coming down with Winter Vomiting Bug or something similar. It could be a long old day tomorrow!

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