1415 - Day off!
Gorgeous day but chilly! The morning walk was up at the North Third and I walked along a bit of the crags which I’ve done a number of times before... but being a tad scared of heights and the fact that I have fallen three times this winter... where the path was right along the edge, I could feel my legs getting heavy and I had to keep telling myself I was fine! Lol...
The afternoon was a trip to SRUC Oatridge Open Day... Dale has applied for Vet Nursing. We left the Open Day feeling a bit angry... Although Dale has already applied before the closing date, which was the end of January, after what the lecturer said today we were a bit confused about the application process, then as I had time to think about it I got quite angry... long story but basically he contradicted things that were on the website and intimated unless you had applied by the end of December they wouldn’t be looking at your application. Dale is quite disappointed but I’m not going to let it go... it’s kind of unacceptable!
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