Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Happy New Year

Chinese that is. And two days early in fact. Not that it was intended; more of an after pub unplanned thing. Has been a busy and long week so went to the local (already heaving at 5pm) where we bumped into several people we knew including Mr Bear, who joined us for a quick one, and later on Mr Bear’s former neighbours, with whom we discussed quantum physics, flat screen TV specifications, and the merits (or otherwise) of MacDonalds hot chocolate. I think you would call it a typical second beer conversation.

There was a little thing going on in our Chinese so we had the pleasure of several members of the local constabulary, who were inviting a table of young lads to moderate their behaviour and pay for their food before quietly and calmly leaving without any fuss. This got complicated as they were clearly drunk, skint and willing to argue the toss.

This did not detract from the eating experience which was very nice. We eventually walked home (in what had now descended into a very chilly evening) to find The Dizzle and Ms E, Mr G and another friend drinking Corona, stuffing Doritos and arguing over a pizza order in the kitchen. We left them to it as the beer, spring rolls and copious amounts of tofu had conspired to leave us sleepy.

Rather randomly broke a tooth on a piece of Grenadian artisan chocolate before bedtime, although it is not in any way painful. Have to be careful. Beginning to run out. Of teeth that is, not chocolate.

Good evening, much needed.

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