Being Appreciative.

Having researched Hiatus Hernia I had a list of herbal teas to get so needed a trip to Tavistock and the Health Food store. Luckily Jo needed to go into Tavi too and I suggested a walk on Dartmoor afterward! So we did the recycling center, we both dropped things off at Charity shops, and I got to drop more clothes off at the Seconds shop. She had sold a skirt I had dropped off before Christmas and one of my dresses was in the front window! I didn't manage to get all the teas I wanted - but I did get Aloe Vera Juice Digestive Aid and Chamomile plus more Apple Cider Vinegar! I love the smell of fresh chamomile but the first time I tasted the tea I found it disgusting! I'm hoping with the various Pukkah teas I've been drinking I may actually like it this time!
Vegan Jo had bought me an iced bun so I shared little bits with Kess as we drove up onto Dartmoor. I was expecting it to be really chilly but there was no wind and it was fine - mind you I had many layers on! We found a ball for Kess and also a mass of frogspawn in what I presume must have been a big puddle that was now dried up. I don't think any will develop given the cold weather coming in and lack of water. What on earth was a frog doing way up here anyway?
On arrival back in the village, we went to look at another house for sale for Jo and I discovered an ex-hen coop member was selling their house. It's to die for and I was tempted! It is an old semidetached house with a great garden and all the rooms are in a beautiful condition and it has a fitted kitchen!  However, on returning home I looked round my house and the view and fell in love with it all over again! Sometimes you need to be reminded of what you have and appreciate it - plus I need to downsize my house and upsize the garden when/if  I move! 

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