A time for everything

By turnx3


Lousy photograph I’m afraid - I didn’t notice how out of focus it was until I got it on my iPad in the evening, and by then it was too late, it wa s the only photograph I had for the day! Anyway, I had a feeling blips would be scarce for the day, so I took a picture of my breakfast bowl of oatmeal, topped with raspberries, blueberries and walnuts, on one of my Table mats bought in Provence. A dreary damp day, and I spent much of it at home, but in the evening we were out for dinner at friends J. and E. They are such great hosts and Ellen is a great cook, so we were well welcomed and well fed! After dinner, we watched a Christian movie with them, accompanied by more food, home-made trail mix and home-baked cookies!

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