Chocolate Coated Strawberries and other delights

The day started with a great idea from The Boss who with The Bossess had been invited by friends to a picnic at The Massey Memorial.
The “B’s” had been tasked with bringing  the sweets and as they had a surplus of strawberries thanks to other friends he thought it would be fun to chocolate coat them and after extensive consultation with Mrs G who seems to kno about this stuff and with assistance from the afore mentioned friends this all came about. As an SSD it was a sight that almost excited me and probably would have driven big T to a smellathonic moment for sure.

Massey Memorial is a wonderful picnic spot as you can’t drive there and have to walk for about 15 minutes uphill from the car park which impacts on it's popularity but adds to the enjoyment for us. It is something that we will certainly do again.

The extra was after the males in the party managed to assemble the table. Sigh….


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