
By mollyblobs

Web on bramble

I woke up to dense fog - the first of the autumn for us. This is in complete contrast to last year, when we had a succession of beautiful misty mornings starting in early September. I toyed with the idea of going out before breakfast, but there was no sign of the sun breaking through, so I opted for a more leisurely start to the day instead.

By nine it seemed to be brightening up and the fog was thinning, so the dogs and I set out for Ferry Meadows, where we could walk without having to wade through floodwater (I need to replace my wellies!) When we arrived, the river valley was still filled with fog, and all the seedheads and bushes were adorned with dew-beaded spider's webs. Lots of potential blip-fodder, which kept me happy for an hour or so. The only problem was, I really couldn't decide what to blip.

After long deliberation I went for a classic spider's web, because I never get tired of their beauty. And I particularly liked the shades of purple and russet behind this one, provided by the out of focus bramble foliage. You can have a peek at my other options here.

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