Nesssaintee's World

By nesssaintee

A beautiful Sunday

There is a chill in the air, but it's been a lovely sunny autumn day.
Did I get stuff done in the garden, make hay while the sun shines?
Did I go out for a nice long walk and feed the ducks?
Instead I stayed inside cloud base mostly, sorted out a lot of junk, ready to be disposed of
The thing is, this time last year it wasn't junk :-/
I did have regular coffee breaks out on the naughty step, enjoyed the sunshine, listened to the birds chirping away marveled at the colours of the falling leaves.
It's a lovely moon lit night outside
It's a braw bricht moon licht nicht
Hoots mon, there's a moose, loose, aboot this hoose :-)
It's going to be frosty :-/
Watched the iss pass earlier, spent ages gazing at the stars :-)
Still can't get the hang of my new camera :-/
Work tomorrow, a trip to the death star, wonder what delights that will bring :-/
Hope you've all had a lovely day :-)

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