Nesssaintee's World

By nesssaintee

Manic Monday

The day started off cloudy, the sun tried very hard today and made it.
Lots of avian antics in my garden today, with this trio chasing each other around.
Thank goodness for tripods
Glorious nearly clear sky at sunset, but it's clouded over now, no chance of seeing the iss pass over again tonight, did catch a glimpse of the moon, Deneb and Vega but they have abandoned me too :-(
I have the shakes, I've had them most of the day :-(
Can't figure out why :-(
Lots of why's going on in my head today
I am at the lowest of low, feel useless, helpless, worthless and unnecessary :-(
Struggling to keep it together, have broken down helplessly in tears a lot today
Wonder what I have done to deserve this, I wish no wrong to anyone or anything
I am lost, I don't feel I can take much more.
Don't know where I'm going, it doesn't look too promising :-(
This is the curse of being alone :-(
Sorry I have ranted and rambled on, it's my journal, it's where I've been.
Hope you've all had a good day

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