Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

home fires

Another day in the saddle....

We left the B&B in the morning and headed into a cold overcast day. Although the sky promised to clear it never did. Faster and more technical riding made the day fly by and forced stops for punctures and fodder were the only respite.

As the day drew on and we headed to the coast, the air became colder and the wind stiffer, adding to the wet roads and abundance of sand getting in all the running parts of my bike, it made for interesting times.

We had a fair few stops to get some energy on board and to get out of the cold. The clouds began to mass and started to deposit rain drops onto us as we headed for the last stop of Kings Lynn train station.

The thought of a nice hot shower and sitting in front of the telly with some candles burning kept me eager, as I said fond farewells to my friends and got back on the bike for the last few miles it was definitely the home fires that drew me on!!

Another great day!!

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