Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

A path less trodden

On a morning when diamonds hung from crystal chandelier cobwebs and noises came from strange directions in the mist, I headed down to the riverside for some peace and quiet.

As the mist rolled silently in delicate folds from the cold river, swans made swirling eddies in the air as they beat their angel wings. Heavy scents of damp earth drifted across the Fens to nestle in dew like drops upon my face.

In silence I sat.

In solitude my silence and I made gentle friends.

For how long I sat I have no idea, time in a mist shrouded otherworld, untroubled and unladen by life's whims. The mist made an old man of my face, covering my beard and eyebrows with crystal white droplets. From the ghostly distance Robins sung and dogs snuffled the ground, life was early time alone was gone.

The rest of my walk/bike was peppered by "Good Mornings and Hi's!" as the world joined me. To have a quiet moment or two is a constant joy to me, and if spent in the magical land of Autumn then even better!

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