Saturday: Local Tacos

We switched our day round this morning and headed to the beach first. We were there quite early and had it almost to ourselves. The water was lovely and warm and it was a treat to dip in and out of it.

Around lunchtime we headed back to our hotel for lunch and some time at the pool. By then, the pool was warm enough too - it can be a little nippy in the morning.

We headed into Cruscecita this evening for something to eat.

We currently have two holiday tournaments running, backgammon and pool. So far, it's even.

Our room has a lovely little balcony where we sit first thing in the morning with our coffee and last thing at night. We've chatted a few times to our room neighbour who is nice. His wife has yet to appear not the balcony - to date, we only know her as a completely disembodied voice coming from inside the room. She's a bit like Margaret in 'Little Britain'.

One thing that has got me a bit excited today is the number of companies, like Hertz, United Airlines and Delta, that are ending their special rates for NRA members. Let's hope there are many more to come. These kids in Florida, who are so articulate, are really stirring something up with their #BoycottNRA.

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