twinned with trumpton


A strong coffee early kick started a busy day; we managed a library visit before Spartans; a cold hour standing in the easterly breeze chatting to other parents before we high tailed it home for chorizo / tomato / lentil soup and out onto a 47. To Haymarket. Whilst everyone else was pouring into town for the Calcutta Cup match, we (and a few stray Rangers fans) headed on out; to Dunblane. The folks got the keys for their new hoose, so we figured we'd better go and say hi. That and there's a washing machine going a begging, so I thought I'd lay claim to that. And a fridge? Don't mind if I do.

So we ambled about the new grounds, tutting at the tree stumps that need taking out (I may yet be called into action) and the possible siting of the veg plot, some chat with the new neighbours (the manse is over the back fence) before a wander through the village; showed the boys my old school, my old classroom etc before a quick cuppa and cake and a train back into town. 

We arrived back along with 67,000 others most of whom were ecstatic and decided that the chippy stood between us and home and rather than fight it we should feel it.... so we did. With the Calcutta Cup on catch up to aid the digestion.

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