As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

A Day At The Races

This morning, Gabby drove Avery and I to C.W. Post to watch some of our friends run in their Conference meet. We got there early so we had time to walk around and enjoy the beautiful weather. Mikey's parents bought us Molloy t-shirts that we wore during the boy's race to support Molloy (really Mikey and Nick). We ran all around the course trying to cheer them on as much as we could. Cass arrived in time for the girl's race. Liz and Shay run for Post and we cheered for them too. Frazer and family were there, as well as Marty and a few other familiar faces. We left around 12:15 and headed straight home. I tutored for an hour and a half, then ran three miles, and then went to Emily's pasta party. I rocked the ping pong table and danced with John. When I got home, I talked to Maggie and Dan while doing my APUSH homework. Now it's time to finish Ragtime.

I'd really like to run in college and I certainly want to be part of an orchestra.

Word of the Day: Recusant - A person who refuses to submit, comply, etc.

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