The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

13 - Lucky For Some

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Today is Youngest Mini Princess’s birthday. The tradition in our house is that the Mini Princesses come through and open their cards* and presents in our bedroom. She was VERY excited. She loves the photo lights and earrings you sent her Lovely Tea Jenny. Apparently this is going to require a complete room change (including a new bed and armchair!) in order to have the lights EXACTLY where she wants them! She is still tickled pink by receiving a birthday letter and box of goodies from you O’H dear as she has never received a letter quite like it. It was addressed to her… or possibly her sister depending on whose birthday it might be as you couldn’t quite remember!

Unfortunately for her it was a school day** but we had the dinner of her choosing (takeaway pizza) followed by birthday cake and snuggled up in the sofa. The excitement of turning 13 had obviously been a bit overwhelming as she fell asleep sprawled over me. In a show of solidarity, I joined her in her slumber!


* Eldest Mini Princess took great delight in pointing out that two of her sister’s cards had ‘special’ on them and that it was written confirmation that The Youngest Mini Princess is (as EMP had always suspected) ‘special’!

** I HATED having my birthday on school days. I think that’s why I always take the day off work now.

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