The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog


Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

It was The Youngest Mini Princess’s 14th birthday today. Although it was a school day, her friends all remembered and sang ‘Happy Birthday’ to her in the corridor (which I suspect both mortified and delighted her in equal measure).

She chose Mother India for her birthday dinner which went down extremely well with the rest of The Normals. A happy byproduct of YMP choosing plant power has been her new willingness to eat Indian food and discovering that she loves it. I knew she’d turn eventually!

We had a great meal. Lots of chat over little dishes of loveliness. I’m so glad that YMP still has her birthday excitement as a teenager. She is giddy for days beforehand. I think it’s very sweet. It’s also contagious.

When we got home, The cake* came out and Murphy melodically barked along** to our rendition of ‘Happy Birthday’. We watched a couple of episodes of The Office before bedtime with YMP cuddled into me. I’m so glad she still does that too.


*my first ever vegan bake - a lemon cake, which turned out to be surprisingly nice.

**I’m not sure if he was joining in or trying to tell us to zip it! As you can see, it obviously exhausted him!

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