
By Shutterup


At 5 l rang the vet to get Flossies ear looked at she has been scratching at it for a few days now and wasn't getting better. They had an appointment for 5.20 so off l set... before l could put on my coat the sun had turned to snow and the 7 minute journey was through a blizzard ... l nearly turned back because the journey is very up and down hill along the back roads and told them when l arrived that the roads were going to be treacherous if l stayed too long!!  They saw me immediately and l was out in about 10 minutes.. this is the view along their driveway as l left. Sun once more!! A lightly gritted road. ... however, the chaos that followed was unreal.. it took me an hour to get home.. cars in ditches, cars stuck on hills, cars too fearful to set off downhill causing traffic jams round bends , people slipping and falling on the pavements in the town, and a taxi with no traction trying to get out of the village back onto the main road!!!!  On the strength of all that l have finally decided to cancel my trip north tomorrow.  With the severity of snowstorm they are forecasting l would be mad to embark on a 7 hour drive... so with a heavy heart and huge disappointment l am going to stay at home.  I had been so looking forward to seeing my daughter and various family members.. but l will just have to rebook another date and hope the weather gods are nicer to me next time.  Keep warm and safe all of you

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