Five things

By fivethings

Good Morning Madrid

1. Up very early to make the most of my few hours in Madrid. The sun is shining and it's fresh. it's good not to be worrying about anything. At least for an hour or two.

2. The street my hotel is on is a version of Fifth Avenue and Bond Street. Great window shopping ad people watching.

3. I walk. And walk and walk. I have a map and lots of time. Each corner I turn uncovers a little surprise. It also reveals just how rubbish I am at reading maps.

4. After lunch in the Mayor's Square where this picture is taken, I stumble on a massive demo - thousands of young people protesting about the cuts to education. It's very impressive.

5. By the time I leave the sun is up and it's very warm. The phrase that keeps returning is gorgeous fun. I've had gorgeous fun today.

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