Five things

By fivethings

Garlic bread and chocolate milk

1. It has rained all day today. Non stop. Constant. On the way out of the underground at one point I notice a handy screen from the local news channel that tells me 'rain causes disruption'. It also causes crabbitness, day long discomfort brought on by shoe malfunctions and a general city-wide weariness.

2. I have an appointment with a Financial Advisor today, or as I like to call it, a 'how to be an adult' appointment. These appointments are also availabe in car showrooms and family planning clinics. She brightly tells me they will charge £395 to tell me just how much of my inheritance to squander invest on a mortgage. She does it with a smile though and compliments my coat on the way out. Maybe the rain will wash away the word 'mug' that must be written on the back of it.

3. I'm not over the moon about buying a flat - can you tell? For the first time today I say those words out loud followed by 'I don't know what to do'. The Sage at the next desk wisely tells me that if I ask myself what to do an answer will emerge. The next minute my phone rings and I'm told I don't need to move out after all. There's something in this mystic stuff.

4. Speaking of which, Yoga is all about blocks and breathing tonight. It means I am late home and drookit so decide to celebrate my get-out-of-adulthood-free card with a dinner of garlic bread and chocolate milk.

5. Some people might look at this and say that glass is half empty, others might think it's half full. But really, who cares - it's chocolate milk. Just get it down ye.

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