Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Snow. Lots of it.

Gym visit ✖️

But I did do half an hour on my bike, because when I was ready to pop to the gym, there was one of the frequent blizzards.

Had a bit of a lie in, mainly because Archie had manoeuvred himself on to my pillow and was snoring in my ear - a most pleasant way to waken up. He hasn’t done this for ages, so I was loathe to disturb him. I love that he’s not an early riser!

I took Archie down to the Meadows for our morning walk, and it was gorgeous. Very busy with kids (schools closed!) and dog walkers. Archie loved charging around, rubbing his face in the snow, which made his beard more claggy.

It wasn’t windy when we arrived, but suddenly there was a gale, snow blowing everywhere. We beat a hasty retreat and retired to the front room for the rest of the day with the fire roaring, looking out at the periodic horizontal snow flurries. In between each flurry it was sunny and still. During one of these sunny still periods, JR decided to take Archie out again (Extra). But of course, when they’d gone, a fierce flurry arrived. Sorry, but I did have a wee chuckle to myself.

We had a pleasant afternoon. I watched my new favourite programme wherein two blokes go round people's sheds and uncover treasures - old cars, motorbikes, tractors etc. They buy something and fix it up and sell it. Today they did up a wee blue Morris Minor. I used to have a wee white one. JR had a wee grey one. I’d love to have one again. Though with proper heating. And proper brakes.

I think the weather might be worse tomorrow - red warnings are out. Glad we don’t have to go anywhere! Had to include the weather report tonight (Extra 2). Never seen anything like it!

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