Golf course

Like me, others had decided to cancel trip to Glasgow. School closure played a part too. In Edinburgh it seemed that transport would be OK. Indeed the (slightly later than usual) drive to work was easy. I paused to take this view of the Merchants golf course on my way. A few moments later two young people with sledges started trudging up the slope but I prefer this photo.

Then the day closed in. The reports from Glashow - indeed out of Edinburgh - were grim. The weather and forecasts changed. “Red snow” replaced “Yellow snow” on the BBC website [no comment - Ed].

Those from whom we lease the office decided to close it at 2pm. It took me just over 2 hour’s to drive 7 Miles across Edinburgh mainly in first gear, to get home. We moved from white out to blue skies but most of the time the snow fell and the temperature did not rise above freezing.

Later in the evening - as the buses had stopped at 19:00 - I drove to our son back to where he is staying (not far from the office) and I did the round trip in 35 minutes.

(I reflect back to our trip to Norway where the temperatures were lower snow was on the ground (roads covered in grit not salt) and the traffic flowed and the buses ran up and down hills until midnight.)

The slush was beginning to freeze. The snow ploughs were out raising sparks as they scraped the road surface. The prospect of rush hour tomorrow does not look great - assuming the office is open!

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