Shaken, not stirred...

By NeonPlumMartini


You wouldn't guess it from this photo, but the return flight home from interstate was THE worst flight I have experienced.
When the cabin crew stop smiling and are ordered by the captain to take their seats because the turbulence is so bad.... It's not a good sign.
Having missed my flight earlier in the day, I was not exactly the most calm I've ever been. I'm also not the greatest at dealing with flying, and the flight the previous day had not been a good one either.

Such beautiful skies...
But, conditions so bad a third of the passengers were vomiting, and most were not silent in their stress.

We could not get above the turbulence.
We could not get below the turbulence.
For all but 10 minutes of the two and a half hours we were in the air, we were not allowed to leave our seats.

I don't want to fly again for a while.

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