Shaken, not stirred...

By NeonPlumMartini

Just rest, dammit!

Back to the impatient patient.
Midnight Sunday night/Monday morning.
He who is still mighty uncomfortable after losing a kidney, ureta, spleen, and part of his adrenal gland, simply will not stop.
There was his stubborn desire to go for a ridiculous walk yesterday, which I talked him out of with a bossy sort of compromise. He insists on being as independent and bloody stubborn as possible - which I assume is somewhat cathartic, given all the years he had to deal with me being the stubborn offspring.
But this.... I got up to get a drink, and the bloody stubborn ol' bastard is WORKING! Bloody hell, Dad, the company will survive without you for a few more days!
That said, he is a very intelligent man, so his mind does always need to be occupied, and he is spacing out the pain relief now (it makes him queasy, so would rather be a bit uncomfortable, than puking and very uncomfortable, which I understand). With the spacing out of pain relief he is less of a space cadet. Apparently just reading a book isn't enough. No. "Oh, if I get this work done now, everything will be smooth for the people in the office in the morning".

What Dad isn't fully aware of is that his boss and I are in regular contact regarding dad - what dad is saying about his readiness to return to work and what I am saying are slightly different. So boss man is listening to the bossy daughter of his staff member - which in a way is rather sweet, as Dad has worked for the same company for 20 odd years, and as I am 26 now, Gerry (boss man) has seen me grow up.... Though now feels rather old that the little girl who used to visit the office after school all those years ago now has her own child at a similar age to when he first met me.

Goodness. That was quite a tangent shift.
I myself am quite full of pain meds, still in the process of healing from a slipped disc two weeks ago.

Time to tell the old codger that it's late, and time for him to get some damn sleep!

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