HRH The Snow Queen

The Beast from the East has won and the city has ground to a standstill, or at least it had the until the snow ploughs started clearing the roads after 10am.

The shops were either late in opening or not open at all , and with no deliveries of milk, papers or bread, the shelves were as empty as any in a communist state; schools shut, offices shut, no public transport and only the foolhardy like His Lordship and me were abroad to walk the untreated pavements and dodge the showers of dirty mushy snow thrown up by passing cars brave enough to be out and about.

The snow queen of my blip was built yesterday afternoon by a neighbouring family before the full fury of snow descended, but she bears a striking resemblance to the Queen and obviously has much of the latter’s resilience.
My extra is an example of the meeting of two unlikely soul mates but rather beautiful as a result.

With his office closed, we are looking forward to a visit this afternoon from son #2. Every cloud has a silver lining.

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