
By Beewriter


It has been three weeks since I have picked up my camera, I've made do with quick pics on my phone until now, but today I thought I would blow the dust off it. I am very wary of going outside as it is snowy and icy and I am scared of slipping and damaging my knee so it had to be an indoor shot.

It is World Book Day today and St David's Day....decisions, decisions. I contemplated taking one of the daffodils that Ellen brought for me this morning out into the snow, but the wind is wild out there bitingly cold...and of course I don't want to slip, so WBD it was. My creative juices have been numbed by all the painkillers I'm swallowing so all I could come up with was The Indian in the Cupboard by Lynne Reid Banks.

Well, I've seen three of the Coven today...Pat called first thing to see if I was up. I was, just. She had walked her grandchildren to school and was half way home and dying for a pee....she rushed in, raced upstairs and then left lol. Ellen picked up some more painkillers for me and also brought daffodils and hot cheese pasties for lunch. Finally, Carole popped in for a cuppa and a chat. 

The team sent me some pics of them at the session in Horwich. Yesterday they had face timed me whilst on their break....everyone has been so lovely. I have struggled to keep up with comments on here, but I just want to say a big thank you for all the good wishes  and messages. I can't seem to concentrate for long on the computer, but hopefully normal services will be resumed soon xx

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