True or False

There were all sorts of stories you hear whilst you grow up and at the time you don’t really take them in. Time passes and grandparents and parents die and then there is no one left to elaborate or to say what is true or not.

I recorded the 1956 film Moby Dick with Gregory Peck as Captain Ahab a couple of days ago. The man with the grey beard in the photo played small parts in many films of that time and I’m sure that sometime in family history it was said that he was a relation. There were no credits at the end of the film so I still don’t know his name...sigh.

Another family truth or myth that links nicely with Moby Dick is that there is a whaling harpoon in a museum in Harwich and it has our family name on. My grandad was from there so maybe it’s day I shall have to go there and find out.

I spent most of the day reading and then went to a couple of shops with Pat. I’m aching a bit from all the walking but I’m hoping that will help me sleep tonight.

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