An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Rude Awakening!

For three weeks I've been able to ignore the 6am alarm and as David's gotten up, I've rolled over, snuggled the duvet tight and drifted off for another 2-3 hours slumber. Bit of a shock this morning then!

On the upside schools are back and now I can get back into a proper routine. It's amazing how much I enjoy having a routine. All seems well with the world then.

Very foggy this morning as I headed down to Cumbernauld to our old house to check the heating was working. Don't want the new family moving in to burst pipes! Stirling Castle looked stunning as it loomed through the mist. How I would have loved to have stopped and photographed it but not really possible from the M9!

Popped into my old workplace for a little while to say a quick hello and pay my debts menage. It was great to see the two Heathers, Carole and Lynne. And Katrina who is with child! Lovely news.

When I got back home I spotted this drippy little feather sitting on top of our side gate and although I'd already taken some spidey web pics earlier this morning, I can never resist a white feather, so that's what you're getting.

Alan's home from school and seems to have had a good day. He was certainly happy going out this morning.

Still fretting over my menu for my dinner party this Saturday. Definitely having soup to start (tomato and orange, carrot and coriander or potato and leek, not decided yet) and doing another key lime pie along with a strawberry and almond crumble for dessert. Possible contender for the main course is beef bourguignon with mashed potatoes and roasted veg, I want something I can put in the slow cooker and basically forget about till it's time to serve it. Any suggestions for other dishes warmly welcome.

Jeez, here am I worrying about next Saturday's dinner and I don't have a clue what we're having tonight! I suspect it will be pasta with whatever I can russle up a sauce with from the leftovers in the fridge!

Happy Monday Peeps! :) x

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