The Tale Of The Disappearing Light Continues.

Got up to a smaller pond this morning.
Maybe something to do with the 10" of snow on top of the car.
This related to 6"-7"on the road.......... still a lot of heavy white stuff to shift to get  the car out and go and get food.
When we came back I had to do more shoveling because one of the neighbours had cleared his side of the street......and left it blocking my cleared parking space!
Not very thoughtful but I think he did it in a way that he didn't want to cover my space . It wasn't hard to clear a gap to get in and at least he had done something for the wee community - unlike the TT driver ** in the corner who has never done any snow shoveling of any description (he just waits until the road is clear and the neighbour with the shared drive has done their bit and left ..... then he just drives straight out over that.
Today he apparently came out and had a go at the kids for playing too close to his wife's car (which was abandoned outside another neighbour's house). They were actually clearing the snow away from around the car.

I think I may have to do more white stuff shifting tomorrow as it has been snowing again .... just to add to this guy's woes.

This chap seemed to be more concerned about me than the cat sitting on the windowsill watching him. After all, he had been eating quite happily while being watched until I turned up.

** TT Driver = Total Twat  or  Tit's Transport.

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