
By conventgirl

I think thats the runway.....

We have just had a break in Dublin. Yesterday evening our return flight for today was cancelled as the whole airport was closed. The only option was a flight at 6.30 this morning or wait till god knows when - possibly Sunday. So, it was up at 4am (extra shows the River Liffey at an ungodly hour) and an attempt to find a taxi as all busses were cancelled. Got to the airport and it was still 50/50 as to whether the flight would leave.
The plane sat on the runway for about an hour being buffeted by strong wind and snow storms but eventually took off about 8AM. I later found out that it was the only flight that left for the UK today.
Then the car parking company 'lost' our car and told us off for being 12 hours earlier than anticipated! Finally we were on our way home along the M4 when we realised that the windscreen washer wasn't coming out - frozen ducts? - and the salt on the roads was making it impossible to see out. We had to stop every few miles to clean it.
Home at last and just in time it seems. The snow has been falling for a few hours and is now settling. Although I have to go to work in the morning I can walk so its not really a problem.
Looking forward to the weekend.

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