
By Madchickenwoman


Could not believe it when I woke up this morning expecting a Winterwonderland to find we still had no snow! The forecast had said snow all night! To say I was gutted would be an understatement! I was cheered up by Nellie of The Woods unexpectedly calling in. Apparently, she has no telephone line and despite them both being elderly, having no neighbours, isolated in the woods, they do not qualify for emergent attention! Makes one wonder what else they need to qualify! 
After she left I got ready to go see the hens - I was anxious about them having water to drink. Wouldn't you know just as I was about to leave another coop member messaged me with the same concerns, the water had been frozen when she opened in the morning - my carpet cladding had not worked! As I drove out the village there was a great ice slick - there is an old water gulley as you leave the village, and all the water that had been flowing out of it had frozen. As it's a narrow road out on a blind bend it was a bit nerve-wracking driving around it on the wrong side!
The hens were pleased to see me - but were not keen on the cold wind. I spent an hour doing the water bowls, further windproofing the coop and the shelter. I tried to lift some heavy blocks of stone and bricks to support various bits of wood but they were frozen to the ground!  As I was working it began to snow! Funny sort of snow - not floaty flakes but ice particles that made a tinkling noise as they hit the foliage.
Once the hens were done I headed for the village - just had to capture it beginning to white over. It's the first snow we've had in years - some children have never seen it in the village! There were only a few children around having fun - otherwise, the place was deserted! Apart from the seagulls and Muscovies! Hard to tell if the Muscovies were bothered by the snow - they always have that slightly evil look! When I had taken photos of it all I headed home for some warming soup!
Come 5 O'clock I got ready to go to the hens once more - I intended to walk this time as there was quite a covering of snow on the road and pavements and the ice at the top of the village would be lurking under it! Good job I did as just before the allotment entrance was a smashed up car! It was just so wonderful to walk on snow, to hear it's crunch at each step. Also glorious to see things transformed by the snow so of course, I took more photos of things in the snow! The wind was beginning to pick up and had flung various bits around the shanty coop and shelter - so more time spent putting them back. Good thing as Gerta did not want to go to bed! I walked home in the dark and was delighted when a woman in her 30's sped past me on an improvised sled squealing loudly - it's a very steep hill! 
Good job I got home when I did as storm Emma hit with a vengeance - we may not do good snow in the Tamar Valley but oh boy we can do wind! I went to bed a very happy Madchickenwoman! Yes, I know there is hardly any snow, it did get a little thicker as the day wore on, but not much! Areas around me got much more! 
I've used loads of extras snowed! More of my snowy here day  but I'm guessing you have more than enough of your own snow to deal with!

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