Walton Pond

Still feeling bad today so I have disregarded the Centre's advice and given myself a shot this afternoon. If there is a bleed I should see a difference soon. If not my gamble has failed.

So yesterday we got up & the blessed shower wouldn't work - I suspected a frozen pipe but I couldn't get in the loft at the time so left it til today. I managed to clamber up there and armed with C's hairdryer I warmed everything I thought it could be. After 30 minutes I went back down & surprise surprise it was working again. I'd had a shower in the other bathroom but I'd forgotten how slow it was in there. C had decided to wait and was very jammy that I managed to fix it.

Tomorrow is Mum's 82nd birthday. The original arrangements were that my cousin & partner from Nottinghamshire were coming down to take her out for lunch and I had said I would go on Sunday. Yesterday the cousins cancelled due to the weather which left me in a spot. I need to go over to take card & present (a new clock radio) but I have been dosing myself up with Tramadol & don't really want to drive. So today I went to the post box with not much hope that it will get there tomorrow..Anyhow I have told her that I wont go until next week until I am clear of the tabs and free of pain. She understands of course but I feel a bit guilty not seeing her...

It has snowed quite heavily all afternoon today & has settled in large areas.

A freezing cold wind with heavy snow.

Thanks for all of your kind comments stars & hearts. I must give myself a good taking to & get back feeling better & in the swing again ....

There are a couple in the extras including a shot of the beast from the east which was hanging around in our drive :-)

Enjoy the weekend fellow blippers 

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