Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Enough is enough

It’s spring, meteorologically speaking. So let’s get this party started. No more snow. Enough is enough.

We took refuge in Wagamama on our afternoon off and had hot food. Not at the same time due to shoddy service but we got there in the end and they did knock a fair chunk off the bill. TSM’s dish was rather nice and certainly hearty. I felt I’d earned something having started work at 6.15. I was still going strong at 1pm and had to excuse myself from a teleconference that showed no sign of completing within its allotted hour. Enough is enough.

I fell asleep with a blanket and two cats when we got home. I was tired. During the night I had got up at 3am and made tea due to being perturbed by a very intense dream. One of those highly detailed ones where you can remember the colour of your scarf and what you said in conversations with people. I was back on a South London council estate which was my second home as a child, only due to global warming it was now by the sea and surrounded by beautiful cliffs, harbours and lagoons. My dad, who has been dead for over twenty years, lent me a fiver to help pay for lunch. A woman in a wheelchair told me that despite all the crime it was a good place to live because people looked out for each other. I think I forced myself to wake up when it all got too surreal. Dreams can be like that. Enough is enough.

I’m going to stop rambling now. Enough -

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