Through the brambles to Mill Hill

Dropped C off at the bus stop this morning at 845. A trip to Olympia with a gang of sewers maybe that should be sewing people. I went home for a leisurely breakfast before heading out to see Mother. She'd had a good day yesterday and was tired today but that didn't stop her wanting to go out tonight...... I stayed about two and half hours and when the conversation had dried up & I had reset her Facebook account I left for home calling at the Chemist to pick up some stuff for me.

Back home & back on the Tramadol - feeling much better now. Just rustled up a Rice Pudding & Chilli for tonight. I''ll be getting a call to collect the Mrs quite soon. But everything is tidy & there is food "on the table".

A much milder day today - almost shirt sleeve weather. Flood water everywhere but no rain....snow almost gone.

The extra is of a sheep field on the way home - i tried counting them but it sent me to sleep....

Thanks for calling in & for all of your kind comments. 

RIP Sir Roger Bannister

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