Two Soups

It doesn’t get better does it? The snow showers have gone to be replaced by a cold, cheerless, light drizzle - a bleak day indeed.

The main streets and paths are mostly clear of slush but there are cars parked at the side of quieter roads hemmed in by enormous mountains of cleared snow. Everywhere there are deep puddles especially in the gutters at road crossing points when the water comes over one’s boot. The light trainers, which look to me like sand shoes, favoured by the young who don’t know any better must be soaking.

His Lordship and I have been out for our daily route march which given the conditions was not very pleasant and I have been practising my indoor skipping. HL has now gone to the gym while I get the soup ready for lunch. It is spicy squash and sweet potato and the bread is a delicious poppy seed loaf with raisins and a distinct after taste of liquorice which we bought at the Farmers’ Market on Saturday.
It’s not great when a bowl of soup and a slice of bread might be the highlight of the day.

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