Upon Reflection

It had the timerity to snow first thing this morning- big fat snowflakes driven in at a 45° angle by an east wind, but destined to melt on impact with the ground.
It was quite a blizzard while it lasted, but it fortunately gave way to a pathetic light drizzle as I left the Dower House for a solo walk. His Lordship while happy to walk the hills in inclement weather suddenly becomes a bit of a wuss in the city.
In fact it was quite a pleasant walk, well pleasanter than of late. The streets were slush free and relatively free of tourists. I imagine one look out of their hotel room windows and they opted to linger over their full English breakfasts.

The Meadows seemed to consist of enormous puddles with the remains of snowmen dotted hither and thither. The crocuses which appeared so bravely 2 weeks ago have become poor sodden supine relics of their initial selves;I can’t see them recovering. The puddle reflections are always worth a blip.

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