
By Fisherking

.......I'm seeing red.....

This is another of our Japanese maples.......Acer palmatum Osakazuki if you must know......a flaming red colour in Autumn, green the rest of the year.

I'm seeing red tonight....we lost our first quiz match of the season tonight because one team member couldn't remember Rolf Harris' famous artistic catchphrase..........." Can you tell what it is yet?" and another (a travelling salesman) couldn't recall the motorway spur that cuts out most of the West Midlands....the M^ Toll Road for f***s sake! 4 points dropped....and we lost by 2!

I took on the two hardest individual rounds Sporting Film Stars and Norwegian words and scored maximum points, Lee had African football and Premier League Sponsors and scored max plus a bonus....9 points from two of us.....4 points from the other two!

Not a happy bunny....we're now three points behind the leaders....and we play them next week!.....we have to win and hope they slip up somewhere else!

Some for you to try out.
1.In which sport were the traditional colours of green for Great Britain, silver for Germany and red for Italy used until the 1960's? (Laneyscott this one is for you)
2. Which part was played by Gary Berkhoff in both the film and T.V. versions pf M*A*S*H?
3. Which group of people use the secret language known as Shelta?
4. Which sporting prizes are red for 1st, blue for 2nd and yellow for 3rd?
5. Quiviut is the name given to yarn made from the belly fur of which Arctic animal?
6.Miss Felicity Lemon is the secretary to which fictional 20th century detective?
7. The Historia Generale de las Indias lists which "vile vice" as the worst habit of native Americans?
8. Robin Port and Mary Miller at 5 foot and 4 foot 9 inches are the smallest examples of what in the U.K.?
9. Which island of the Indonesian archipelago is the home of an almost extinct pygmy elephant?
10. What does Wonder Woman's magic lasso force wrong doers to do?

Off to Dad's tomorrow...back on Wednesday.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

1. Motor racing
2. Walter "Radar" O'Reilly
3. Travellers
4. Equestrian rosettes
5. Musk ox
6. Hercule Poirot
7. Smoking tobacco
8. Police Officers
9. Borneo
10. Makes them tell the truth.

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