A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal


I have unexplained bruises on my legs and my arms. I haven’t bumped into anything. They are bigger than this picture conveys.

Good day today if not a tad surreal in parts. Spent a lesson looking at the range of courses offered at local colleges and explaining to the students what the qualification levels mean and the difference between A level, vocational and apprenticeship courses. Some realisation that some changes need to be made by some individuals otherwise they aren’t going to get on the courses they want. Nothing surreal there, you might think.

Then a conversation with a student who wants to be a marine biologist. He struggles with many aspects of learning. I asked him if he had any thoughts about what he might need to do to be a marine biologist. He told me he’d need to do sport at college. I have mastered my poker face...so I asked whether he thought that he would need to do sciences (given the job title) and probably some Maths...no, the assertions about sport continued, so I had to ask why. I also had keep my face completely straight when he said, extremely earnestly, that marine biologists have to work in the oceans so they have to be able to swim. Bless him. He was deadly serious.

I love my job even when it’s completely bonkers.

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