A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal

That’s not my name!

This was how I was identified when buying coffee for myself and James. James got his name. I get ‘The Mum’.

Talking to a colleague today, I shared that I felt something had clicked with my teaching recently. Can’t put my finger on what, but things feel better. I don’t know if I have relaxed a little (not in terms of expectations /standards, just me personally feeling a bit more relaxed) or whether I am sharper because I am not in a constant state of foggy brain now the meds seem to have worked their way out of my system. Whatever, it feels positive.

The flip side is that, with the meds out of my system, the amount of pain I am experiencing is just through the roof.

Rock and a hard place really.

Anyway, on a separate and completely joyful note, my lovely friend Shumi had her baby in the early hours of this morning. Mummy and baby are doing well and I cannot wait to go and visit them all.

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