Seedy Dill

A busy day today, as I had a student start with me. She's doing an observational placement...I wasn't holding out great hopes when she had rung me last week to ask about the primary conditions that we see. Yes, she had got my email with a link introducing her to the basics, but obviously she hadn't clicked on it. It's a SPINAL UNIT...what conditions do you think you might see? When I said Spinal Cord Injury, she persisted, "Yes, but what are the primary conditions". "Paraplegia and Tetraplegia" "How do you spell those...?"

It wasn't as bad as all that though once she'd turned up. On her first day I managed to have one client that I'm changing his seating, one client that I'm doing hand therapy with, plus a home visit to a guy on bedrest who has a large hole in his butt. A good introduction all in all.

Zumba tonight, and the lovely Husband had beaten me home from work (via gymnastics collection), so he cooked tea. I LOVE having tea cooked for me.

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