
By BikerJim

~Sunset Crescendo~

~Sonata Allegro~

As happens all to often these events are a metamorphosis.
Beginning with just a whisper of a promise of what is to come.
Before my eyes a transfiguration begins to take place.
A slow construction, maybe just a hint of pink, coral and rose.
But this phase is not long lasting, soon the horizon erupts.
With great haste, the sky explodes with color and emotion.
I do fear this is a prophecy of how swiftly it will come to conclusion.
My suspicion is quickly realized, the vividness is starting to fade.
All to soon I'm left with just a hint of rose, coral and pink.

I have learned how to appreciate these evening occurrences.
Not as individual moments, segmented into time intervals.
But as an event, a circumstance, to be enjoyed in its totality.
The entire phenomenon is greater than the sum of its parts.
It is much like listening to a great symphonic masterpiece.
If you were to hear just the woodwinds, you would miss so much.
From the conductor's baton swishing the air to the cymbals clash.
And everything that is in-between, from beginning to end.
That is what I take away in my memory, to be reminisced at will.
To be used over and over again, for my enjoyment, at my pleasure.
Like a beautiful symphony or a resplendent sunset.

Thanks for listening to my image!

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