Be happy ...

OMG, I can't even believe I have posted such a cheesy image ;-)

I think I needed some cheering up - so do you like green, or gold kiwifruit? Or do you even know the difference?

Anyway, still incredibly moved from last night's presentation and experience. In the light of 70 000 jobs "lost today globally" as headlines reported, is the environment still important? Some people might say no. I'd say absolutely (!) - we've ridden out recessions before and recovered, but, we may NEVER again have the chance to recover our oceans.

Makes me think, we're so focussed on "me (or us)". In reality we are here for a fleeting moment but we're being incredibly destructive. I am not even talking climate change. I am talking over fishing, deforestation, habitat destruction, species extinction - the works. It seems like we're hell bent on destroying our nest. And not many people appear to care, or even want to think about it.

It's depressing thinking about it. Maybe we should just stick our head in the sand, and be happy ...

I think also that John Weller last night illustrated to me a responsibility that photographers and artists have - to help communicate via the beauty of their art, the problems that the world faces. Beauty is only skin deep, a classic cliché, and I am sure we blippers know that. I am going to start thinking about how I can use my "art" to look at some of these deeper issues.

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