Best laid plans

Well I thought a blip would be easy today as we had planned a visitor to come to Brownies tonight with some interesting subjects but unfortunately the visitor was not very well and had to cancel so that will have to wait till next week. So on to plan B, start with some games, Gwyneth to lead and then to make Mother’s Day Gift and card. I had a few resources , enough pots for one each and some seeds, found a great little poem, some card and sequins etc, sorted. Then on my way to Brownies Gwyneth phoned to say the snow was so bad so could nt get through so a Plan C was needed.All went well in the end though and happy Brownies went home hiding their gifts :)
Mike bought me some tulips thank goodness providing today’s blip as the weather was pretty bad so no outside shots.I expect there will be lots of flooding in the morning.

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